“Effera Dido”. The myth of Dido in the musical experience between the 16th and 19th centuries. Educational proposal for a journey through history, music and Latin literature


  • Rita Belenghi IIS “Enrico Mattei” di San Lazzaro di Savena (BO)




History, Latin Literature, Virgil, Dido, Music


It is undeniable that the so-called humanistic subjects such as, for example, literature, music, art, represent humankind in its development and have their roots in a fertile common ground: history. In teaching these subjects it is therefore necessary to take this important fact into account, and never lose sight of it. It is equally essential to engage students in a type of learning that stems from the common historical matrix and stimulates their curiosity and broaden their horizons, making them aware that studying less and less fashionable subjects is not a mere duty, but a starting point to acquire a wider knowledge, which is extremely helpful for the creation of a network of competencies: the more multifaceted the network is, the more effective it will prove to be. This is the purpose of the didactic experience which is the subject matter of the following pages.



How to Cite

Belenghi, R. (2022). “Effera Dido”. The myth of Dido in the musical experience between the 16th and 19th centuries. Educational proposal for a journey through history, music and Latin literature. Didattica Della Storia – Journal of Research and Didactics of History, 4(1), 155–171. https://doi.org/10.6092/issn.2704-8217/15736


