The massacre at Bologna station: from the traumatic event to the educational experience


  • Cinzia Venturoli Università di Bologna



Educational experience, Memory, Sources, Political uses of history


This essay aims to illustrate and analyse the educational project Educare attraverso i luoghi: Bologna e la strage del due agosto 1980, a project proposed for some years to schools to provide support to teachers who want to address the issues of Italian terrorism. The project uses the work on memory sites and the meeting with a witness in order to stimulate a critical use of the territory, to provide tools to decode the political use of history, memory and oblivion, to guide students to discover the vital character of the past through dialogue with sources.



How to Cite

Venturoli, C. (2020). The massacre at Bologna station: from the traumatic event to the educational experience. Didattica Della Storia – Journal of Research and Didactics of History, 2(1S), 475–486.